Rock paper Scissors

0 : 0

Hi! Let's compete with computer.

Make Your Choice.

How To Play

The rules are very simple and probably you remember them from your childhood :

  • If you choose Rock, you will win against Scissors but lose against Paper.
  • If you choose Scissors, you will win against Paper but lose against Rock.
  • If you choose Paper, you will win against Rock but lose against Scissors.

  • Fun Facts of RPS game (Souurce Wiki)😜

  • Did you know that this game first appeared in China in the 17th century? Yes, it was not invented in Europe or America but in Asia. Europe started to play this game only in 19th century.
  • Statistics say that people usually choose Scissors in the first round and Rock in the second.

  • Good advice

    If you want to win, you need to be a good psychologist to predict the next choice of your opponent. Although predicting computer's move is harder as it is more random. There are many strategies and different people have different patterns of behavior.